Further work on $specint

On 6/1/08, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at web.de> wrote:

> After some further work on $SPECINT I have reported that one problem of the 99
>  examples of EqWorld is open and some further examples have to be verified more
>  carefully.

Dieter, thanks a lot for your work on this topic. I appreciate it a lot.

I have glanced at the diff
attached to the bug report
and I don't see any problems.

How about if we target the next release (5.16, branch on August 1)
to merge these changes. Comments, anyone?

>  To get even more examples I have collected additionally about 130 integrals
>  which are tabulated by A&S.

Please consider appending these examples to the bug report also.


Robert Dodier