Maxima Book

Jaime Villate wrote:

>I prefer not to add any profit. Figuring out what to do with any profit
>would bring some extra complication, and I do not think the profit will
>be worth that extra complication.
I figured a small profit could go into a fund to pay for costs 
associated with the book like buying the ISBN number or a distribution 
plan or settling the copyright issue.

> I like Lulu because it allows us to include a "download" link where
>users can also download the original PDF file for free.
That would be true if there were no profit. Downloading avoids the 
printing costs but not the profit.

>Thomas, if you don't mind, I would prefer to publish the manual myself.
>That way I can introduce any changes required by future versions.
That would be fine by me. My interest was is seeing it done. Let me know 
if you need any help.