
-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>1.  #  means  not equal.
>2. no, 3*x+3=0  has the same root as x+1=0, but 3*x+3 and x+1 do not have
>the same values everywhere.

Yes, I was careless in both my comment and with my code. I'm taking
suggestions for improvements:

(%i6) to_poly(x - 1/x);
Assuming that x # 0
(%o6) [[x-%g3,1=%g3*x],[%g3#0,-%pi<=carg(%g3),carg(%g3)<%pi]]

Now that to_poly appends constraints, the message "Assuming that x # 0"
needed anymore, I think. And forcing carg(%g3) into [-%pi, %pi) instead of
(-%pi, %pi] is nonstandard. I'm glad I didn't write any user documentation
