[Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/share/contribsolve_rat_ineq.mac, NONE, 1.1

On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 11:28 -0700, Richard Fateman wrote:
> The point seems to be, though, that GPLv3 has some kind of "poison
> pill" attached to it that is an attack on companies that own and trade
> software patents.  Thus if you want to make your code potentially
> unusable by anyone who works for a company that owns patents,  and
> potentially that is a lot of people, go ahead.  Personally, I would
> find it offensive if a friend who works at (say) IBM, HP, GE, Apple,
> Google, Yahoo,  or even Microsoft can't use a program I wrote because
> of GPLv3.
Free software can be used by anyone and for any purpose; both GPLv2 and
GPLv3 state that clearly. No restrictions are imposed on its use by