Hi Robert,
First, I have no objection against licensing my files as "GPL, no
specific version" to be compatible with the license of Maxima.
Since my last post, I have implemented a lot of Content MathML
functions (both "Strict" and "Pragmatic" syntaxes *). Nevertheless, I
did not find in the help how to translate some MathML elements into a
Maxima string (numbers refer to MathML 3 Working Draft *). Here is some
of them:
a) to sets related to functions (domain, range, image)
b) to the sets of numbers P, N, Q, R, C
c) |vectorproduct| (|<vectorproduct/>|) and
|outerproduct| (|<outerproduct/>|): the operations on vectors.
d) equivalent (<equivalent/>), xor (<xor/>),
implies (<implies/>): the logical operations.
e) trunc (<trunc/>) and round (<round/>):
approximations of result (different from ceiling and floor).
c) and d) can be expressed using other Maxima functions though.
Best regards,
* http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/chapter4.html
> Hi Frederic,
> Thanks for your message about the XML package. Please keep us
> posted and feel free to ask for help to resolve any problems you
> encounter.
> I see that you have licensed the files in the package as GPL version 3
> or later. I wonder if I can ask you to change the license to GPL,
> no specific version. It turns out that the main source code of Maxima
> is licensed as GPL, no specific version. So it would be easiest if
> the share files were licensed the same as the main source code.
> Let me know what you think.
> All the best,
> Robert Dodier