Can't build on Debian/Sid with gcl

On 7 June 2008 21:20, Felix Homann wrote:

> I've been trying to build Maxima (both 5.15.0 and CVS snapshot) on my
> Debian/Sid machine using GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.6.8 CLtL1 (from glc
> package version2.6.7-36.1).
> The build fails, here are the last couple of lines from the output:
> ...
> I can build maxima wiht clisp though. A bug report against gcl in Debian
> had already been filed some moths ago [1], but the suggested solution
> ('ln -s gcc-4.2 gcc' ) doesn't work here.
> Is it a gcl bug or a Debian packaging thing?

AFAIK the problem is that the Debian packages with GCL are built without ANSI 
flags. Building GCL from the sources may be annoying (it seems that some 
times ago its automake stuff was broken). In Debian, I'm using CLISP; also, 
there are a package for CMUCL (I haven't tried it though).

GCL is not actively developed now, in contrast of CLISP or SBCL.

Alexey Beshenov <al at>
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