Though x1^b=y1 can be solved for b exactly, in general
x1^b+x2^b+...=y1 cannot, so you will have to use a numerical
root-finder like "find_root", not a symbolic solver like "solve".
find_root( 3^b+4^b = 1, b, -100, 100) => - 0.56049886522386
find_root( 3^b+4^b+19^b = 1, b, -100, 100) => - 0.67888783267011
Note that you must specify an interval within which the sign of the
expression changes. There are more sophisticated numerical
root-finder routines available within Maxima as well -- but I'm afraid
I don't know much about them.
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 3:48 PM, ahmet alper parker <aaparker at> wrote:
> Dear all, I am trying to solve an equation (very simple) like
> X1^b+X2^b+...+Xn^b=Y1 where X1...Xn and Y1 are numbers. Given b
> symbolically, solve did not worked to put an answer. Even I constructed a
> simple solution that should yield b=1 did not worked. How can I solve such
> an equation in maxima?
> Regards
> Ahmet Alper Parker