besselarray bug, was: Bessel plotting problem

Actually I have looked at that, but it is hard to read.  I should probably go through it and make a Maxima equation or function out of every formula in the book or at least the important ones to me.  That would help me to remember them.

I have been up all night again.  Bye.


 ------------Original Message------------
From: Alexey Beshenov <al at>
To: maxima at
Cc: "Richard Hennessy" <rvh2007 at>
Date: Sat, Jun-14-2008 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] besselarray bug, was: Bessel plotting problem

On 14 June 2008 03:51, Richard Hennessy wrote:
> Maybe I am just showing off but I think from empirically looking at the
> data for bessel_j for negative argument and positive fractional order that
> there really is a relationship for bessel_j(v, -x) = cos(n*%pi/something) *
> bessel_j(v, x) (or something similar).  I don't know about bessel_y since I
> haven't looked at that yet.

You might want to check the handbook of mathematical functions
by Abramowitz and Stegun.

Alexey Beshenov <al at>