Chapter 5, 2D Plots and Graphics using qdraw,
in the series of notes Maxima by Example,
has been posted at my webpage,
together with the maxima code file qdraw.mac.
qdraw.mac is an interface to Maxima's draw2d
function which provides quicker access to
some features of draw2d, with defaults of
interest to users from the physical sciences
and engineering.
Chapter 5 presents many examples which use qdraw.mac.
Chapter 5 sections:
1. Quick Plots for Explicit Functions: ex(...) ,
2. Quick Plots for Implicit Functions: imp(...),
3. Contour Plots with contour(...),
4. Density Plots with qdensity(...),
5. Explicit Plots with Greater Control: ex1(...),
6. Explicit Plots with ex1(...) and Log Scaled Axes,
7. Data Plots with Error Bars: pts(...) and errorbars(...),
8. Implicit Plots with Greater Control: imp1(...),
9. Parametric Plots with para(...),
10. Polar Plots with polar(...),
11. Geometric Figures: line(...),
12. Geometric Figures: rect(...),
13. Geometric Figures: poly(...),
14. Geometric Figures: circle(...) and ellipse(...),
15. Geometric Figures: vector(..),
16. Geometric Figures: arrowhead(..),
17. Labels with Greek Letters,
18. Even More with more(...),
19. Programming Homework Exercises,
20. Acknowledgements.
I would like to thank Mario Rodriguez Riotorto
for his encouragement and advice at crucial stages
in the development of the qdraw interface to draw2d.
The recent updating of the draw package to allow use of
Gnuplot's enhanced postscript features makes
Maxima a more attractive tool for the creation
of educational diagrams.
Ted Woollett