chapter 5,Maxima by Example

Robert Dodier, on Monday, June 16, 2008 , wrote

> Edwin, just to clarify, you're certainly free to license your own
> work by any terms you please. Whatever you decide on, though,
> it will be helpful to your readers to explicitly state those terms
> in the text itself and on your website.
thanks, Robert, for the advice. I will insert some  language
 on copying and distribution on my webpage and inside the pdf's. 

My basic motivation in spending a large amount of time writing
these notes and associated code files is to make Maxima more
accessible and useful as a tool for both learning and research.

In particular, I have in mind the bright student in a third world
country who cannot afford $1200 for a Mathematica license,
but who could greatly benefit from the powerful abilities of Maxima.

Given the commitment of Maxima to always be free of charge and
open source, I see Maxima as the true wave of the future, not
Mma or Maple.

Having benefited from a lifetime spent in a wealthy country
and the support of a wealthy state (California), it is my turn
to "give back" something, and I would hope there will be
many others motivated to do the same.

Ted Woollett