function evaluation problem

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 12:25 PM,  <amli at> wrote:

> How can I make the function to  evaluate at x=1.5 in %o5 instead of  giving
> me the definition of the function.

Maxima has a "one-time" evaluation policy. You can try to work around that,
but I don't advise it.

> In general pp may involve large sequence of functions (same for tLis).

> tLis:[1.0,2.0,3.0];
> pp:[x, x^2+1];

As defined here, pp is a list of expressions. Maybe you want to make it
a list of functions, e.g.:

pp : [lambda ([x], x), lambda ([x], x^2 + 1)];


Robert Dodier