a .. b

Barton Willis wrote:
> -----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----
>> What's wrong with that returning [1.0, 2.0, ..., 42.0]?
> Nothing, I think.
>> How hard would it be add an optional step size?
> Once you do that, it seems that you might as well use makelist.
> I suppose I could do 1 .. [2, 1/2] --> [1,3/2,2] and still have
> 1 .. 2 --> [1,2]. But 1 .. [2, 1/2] is too hard for me to
> remember---I'd use makelist instead.

Yes, that's true.  This depends on the notation being relatively simple, 
and 1 .. [2, 1/2] isn't.  But if it were 1 .. 1/2 .. 2, or 1 .. 2 .. 
1/2, then maybe.

But I'd probably end up using makelist, maybe even for the simple cases. :-)
