various problems with matrices

The identifier 'vfg' is a hashed array, not a matrix. You can convert 'vfg'
a Maxima matrix with

 (%i18) funmake('matrix, listarray(vfg));
 (%o18) matrix([613.125],[1226.25],[1226.25],[1226.25],[613.125])

The statement

  genmatrix(vfg, nnt, 1);   /*  initialisation  */

doesn't initialize 'vfg' to a matrix. Here are some examples of how to
construct a Maxima matrix:

  (%i27) m1 : matrix([1,2],[3,4]);
  (%o27) matrix([1,2],[3,4])

  (%i28) m2 : genmatrix(lambda([i,j], i + j), 2, 2);
  (%o28) matrix([2,3],[3,4])

  (%i29) m3 : genmatrix('xxx, 2, 2);
  (%o29) matrix([xxx[1,1],xxx[1,2]],[xxx[2,1],xxx[2,2]])

  (%i30) m1 . m2 - m3;
  (%o30) matrix([8-xxx[1,1],11-xxx[1,2]],[18-xxx[2,1],25-xxx[2,2]])

Maybe this helps---welcome to Maxima.


-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>I am newbie in wxMaxima, and I have some problems with matrices, and
>don't find any help to solve them :
>  after having changed some elements of a matrix, I would like to
>show its content. I didn't found another solution that using genmatrix
>function. Is there another way?
>  when copying values of a matrix in another one, the result is
>within brakets and the resulting matrix is not recognised as a matrix
>by maxima. For example, if I try to copy it, I get an error.
>There is certainly a way to do what I want but I have been searching
>for three days unsuccessfully. If you could help me I would appreciate!
>I reproduce the code herebelow, if you want to figure out what happens.
>The code :
>rho : 1;
>g : 9.81;
>nnt : nelt+1;
>N:[1-x/L,x/L];  /* Fonctions de forme du champ d?placements elem*/
>genmatrix(vfg, nnt, 1);   /*  initialisation  */
>for ie:1 thru nelt do
>  (konec[ie,1]:ie,
>     konec[ie,2]:ie+1
>  );
>for ie:1 thru nelt do
>  (
>    for in:1 thru 2 do
>      (
>        vfg[konec[ie,in],1] : vfg[konec[ie,in],1] + vfe[in]
>      )
>  );
>print(genmatrix(vfg, nnt, 1));
>Philippe BOERAEVE
>7 sur les heids
>B - 4053 EMBOURG
>tel.: +32 (0)4 367 14 31
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