
Mario Rodriguez schrieb:
> Bj?rn Fay escribi?:
>> I have a question or feature request (depends on the answer to the
>> question). Is it possible to make something like
>> plot3d([x,y,x+y,sin(x)],[x,0,10],[y,0,10],[grid,50,50],[gnuplot_pm3d,
>> true] ...)
>> where the 4th component (here sin(x)) is the color?
>> As far as I understand the gnuplot-manual it should be possible. If
>> gnuplot can do it, but maxima is not able to use this feature (yet),
>> it would be nice to implement it, which should not be so difficult as
>> far as I understand things.
>> Thanks and kind regards
>> Bjoern
> See documentation and examples in
> ? enhanced3d
> and
> ? palette
> Maxima graphics option palette is an interface to gnuplot's
> set palette rgbformulae a,b,c
> Numbers a, b and c are labels for certain functions used by gnuplot to
> transform real numbers (the z-values) into an r-g-b color. If you look
> at the 3d-graphics gallery in gnuplot's web site, you'll see that all
> points at the same height (z-level) have the same color. So, color
> depends on the third dimension, not on the fourth. In any case, if I'm
> wrong and you find a gnuplot script for plotting a pm3d-colored surface,
> where color doesn't depend on z, please send it to me and we could
> investigate how to make it with maxima.
> On the other hand, if instead of a surface you want a parametric curve
> with its color depending on the 4th dimension, I think this could be
> drawn with the existing tools, plotting small segments with the
> necessary colors.
> Gnuplot has its limitations, and I suspect you've found a new one.
> Yours,

There's a script and picture at

By the way I have also looked at the draw-package with can't do it either.
