Barton Willis wrote:
> -----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
>> After that, we can choose whether a..b means
>> A) the integers s.t. a<=x<=b
>> or
>> B) all x s.t. x=a+i and a<=x<=b (where i is an integer)
> I converted to plan 'B' --- it's consistent with Macsyma, I think. Examples
> (%i4) %i .. %i + 2;
> (%o4) [%i,%i+1,%i+2]
This doesn't quite seem to fit plan B, since you can't compare complex
numbers. What are you going to do for %i .. 2+2*%i?
> Compare:
> (%i12) 40.0 .. 42.0b0;
> (%o12) [40.0,41.0,42.0]
> (%i13) 40.0b0 .. 42.0b0;
> (%o13) [4.0b1,4.1b1,4.2b1]
Hmm. That's a tricky question. On first glance, I was expecting the
first example to produce all bfloats. But it's not so clear what the
answer should be.