MathRider and Maxima

On 6/19/08, Ted Kosan <ted.kosan at> wrote:

>  What I need are ideas on how a front-end application like MathRider
>  can help users interact with Maxima more effectively.  Any ideas are
>  welcome, including unconventional "blue sky" ones (for example, ideas
>  based on rich 3D graphics).

Ted, there are a couple of kinds of user interface that I wish for.
One is an Eclipse plug-in for Maxima. Actually it seems the current
incarnation of MathRider is implemented in Java and looks a lot like
Eclipse. I am just thinking that if it were actually an Eclipse plug-in,
there is a lot of underlying machinery and additional plug-ins which
would come along without too much additional effort.

The other kind of user interface I'd like is a Mathcad-like interface
which mixes text, math, and graphics. There are various interfaces
for Maxima which embody some of that idea. Maybe TeXmacs is
closest at present, but I think it could be improved by making it
simpler, and modifying the Maxima session output somewhat; I can
expand on that if you want.

Anyway I hope this is useful to you in some way. Good luck on
your project & all the best.

Robert dodier