Yep, that fixed it. Thanks Yasuaki. I forgot to say, thank you for writing
this mode. It really is quite impressive.
A few (humble) thoughts:
1. I found the parameter wxplot_size. I noticed that it didn't work. Then
I saw that you commented the point in the code that sent this to gnuplot.
So I uncommented it. But it still didn't work (in fact nothing worked
then). But then I realized that a size of 400x250 is very big (I think the
PS terminal is interpreting the units as inches, perhaps?).
wxplot_size:[4,4]; seemed to fix it.
Out of curiosity, where is the decision made between placing an image or a
filename? In Emacs itself?
2. I guess this is from the wxmaxima code you are using. Forms like this:
(if (length system-preamble)
(setq preamble (format nil "~a; ~a" preamble system-preamble)))
are equivalent to
(setq preamble (format nil "~a; ~a" preamble system-preamble))
as length must return an integer (and thus always a true value). This
doesn't matter, really, since a gnuplot seems to ignore bare `;'s. I am
guessing they wanted (if (/= 0 (length system-preamble)) ...
3. Some questions: Are the eps images saved in Emacs' memory, or does it
need to have the files on disk where it can find it (i.e. may I delete them
in the middle of a session?)? Is there a possibility of saving a buffer
with output, like Mathematica's notebook format? Also, I assume that the
maxout_n.eps files are placed where ever maxout.gnuplot is put?
Thanks again,
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Yasuaki Honda <yhonda at> wrote:
> Hi Zach,
> You are almost there. Please make the width of the Emacs window wider
> and try the wxplot2d() command again.
> Yasuaki Honda, Chiba, Japan
> On 2008/06/24, at 5:33, Zach wrote:
> Hey imaxima users,
> Am I doing something wrong?
> I have installed the new version of imaxima (1.0b) on OS X 10.4.11 under
> Carbon Emacs running Maxima 5.15.0 with CLISP 2.40. IMaxima seems to work
> fine except for the inline graphics. Since this is a graphical issue I have
> attached a bitmap (png) file showing the output, but basically it looks like
> maxima is returning something like
> ?wxxmltag("/Users/smithzv/maxout_2.eps","img"), which is translated into the
> path to a image file (which does indeed contain the desired plot) and that
> path is then latexed (i.e. the `_2' is turned into a subscript).
> Any idea what is up?
> Thanks,
> Zach
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Yasuaki Honda <yhonda at> wrote:
>> Dear Maxima / Imaxima users,
>> I am more than happy to announce that I have released
>> version 1.0 beta of imaxima and imath package. Please
>> visit below for the download of the latest release.
>> Why is this beta? Because this version introduced new
>> features which might be premature in its implementation.
>> I welcome any input regarding these features for further
>> improvements.
>> There are three new features in this release:
>> 1.imaxima supports inline graph.
>> 2.imath supports inline graph.
>> 3.imath supports inline graphics file in EPS format.
>> Also,
>> 4.imaxima and imath is tested on Windows Vista and Ubuntu Linux
>> Example uses of these features and instructions on how to use them are
>> added in "Tutorial of Imaxima (inline graph)" section of the imaxima web
>> site.
>> I have merged Bohumir's patch for the support of EPS files in imath
>> mode. The way he implemented it inspired me to implement the inline
>> graph support in both imaxima and imath mode. Thanks, Bohumir!!
>> I also would like to thank Andrej Vodopivec for his allowing me to use
>> part of wxMaxima code. I have copied the interface and implementation
>> of inline plotting commands defined in wxmathml.lisp in wxMaxima.
>> Yasuaki Honda / Chiba, Japan
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> <imaxima-1.0b.png>