Further work on $specint

Robert Dodier wrote:
> Dieter,
> I have enabled CVS write permission for your Sourceforge account,
> as we discussed. You also have permission to update bug reports.
> Please go ahead and commit your accumulated changes.
> Some might have been committed by Raymond Toy already,
> I don't know.

No, I have not because some tests were failing.

The only request I have is please don't put single parens on lines by 
themselves as if they were braces for C.  That's considered pretty bad 
Lisp style.  All parens should be bunched together on the same line.

> It will be very helpful to add test cases to the test suite for any
> bug fixes or new functionality, and likewise documentation.
> If you need help with anything just let us know.
> You might want to take a look at README.developers-howto
> (in the top-level Maxima CVS directory) which has some advice
> that might be helpful.
> Thanks for all your work. I appreciate it a lot.

