Further work on $specint

Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> I will do my best and try to adapt the "good" Lisp style. Please give me a hint
> if you have problems with my style of programing.
Google for "good lisp style".   One decent starting point would be 

> Im learning Lisp now since 1 1/2 years. Lisp in combination with Maxima is
> wonderful to program mathematic. At first Lisp seems to me very strange, but
> after learning the principles and the different way of programing in Lisp, it's
> much more productiv as C++ for me. A lot of things one need to program
> mathematic are just part of Lisp or Maxima. I like it very much.
People often say how hard it is to learn Lisp and stuff.  You are a 
great counter-example to that claim.  It's like learning any other 
language:  Go find a good tutorial and an interesting problem you want 
to solve and do it. :-)
