success with ECL + Maxima compiled


I have applied the patches.diff attached to your message dated 08:14 UTC
today and committed those to patch-for-ecl-branch and with those changes,
I find that ECL can compile Maxima and run the test suite with no unexpected
errors. Hurray! ECL + Maxima compiled runs the Maxima test suite a little
bit slower than SBCL and a lot faster than Clisp. That's very good.

For the record, I am working with ECL pulled from CVS head yesterday
and probably built with --enable-smallcons. Maxima version is the CVS
branch patches-for-ecl-branch.

At this point I think it is reasonable & appropriate to merge the ECL branch
into the Maxima CVS trunk. That will probably take a few more weeks.

At present ECL builds Maxima via ASDF. We should figure out how to
build Maxima using the existing autoconf/automake machinery, either
by launching ASDF from a makefile or modifying maxima.system
(for defsystem) to build Maxima w/ ECL. I really know very little about
the various build tools, so I would really, really welcome anyone who
can provide suitable patches.

Thanks a lot for all your help,

Robert Dodier