>> complex numbers. The Lisp code runs 60 times faster. If you are
>> interested I can look for it tomorrow...
> Yes please do.
Please, note that this code was written for fun and that it could be
improved in several ways,
c: complex parameter
p1, p2: complex vertices of the rectangular window
on the complex plane, bottom left and top right,
nr, ni: number of discrete points on the real and
imaginary direction, respectively
block([rmin : float(realpart(p1)),
rmax : float(realpart(p2)),
imin : float(imagpart(p1)),
imax : float(imagpart(p2)),
maxiter: 50,
maxabs : 100,
dr,di,jcz, absjcz],
dr: (rmax-rmin)/nr,
di: (imax-imin)/ni,
(absjcz: abs(jcz: (rmin+i*dr) + %i*(imax-j*di)),
for n:1 while n < maxiter and absjcz < maxabs do
absjcz: abs(jcz: expand(jcz^2 + c)),
j,0,ni-1)) )$
;; Parameters are the same as above
(defun $conjulia2 (c p1 p2 nr ni)
(let* ((rmin ($float ($realpart p1)))
(rmax ($float ($realpart p2)))
(imin ($float ($imagpart p1)))
(imax ($float ($imagpart p2)))
(dr (/ (- rmax rmin) nr))
(di (/ (- imax imin) ni))
(maxiter 50)
(maxabs 100)
(c (complex ($float ($realpart c))
($float ($imagpart c))))
jcz absjcz)
(cons '($matrix)
(loop for j below ni
collect (cons '(mlist)
(loop for i below nr
do (setf jcz (complex (+ rmin (* i dr))
(- imax (* j di))))
(setf absjcz (abs jcz))
(loop for n from 1 to maxiter
do (setf jcz (+ (* jcz jcz) c))
(setf absjcz (abs jcz))
(when (>= absjcz maxabs) (return)))
collect absjcz))))))
Example of use:
m2: conjulia2(-0.4+%i*0.6, -1.5-1.5*%i, 1.5+1.5*%i, 200, 200) $
m2: matrixmap(log,m2) $
draw2d(image(m2, -1.5,-1.5,3,3),
palette=[12,-34,21]) $
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto