Hans W. Hofmann wrote:
> Hello again,
> how to compute
> f(x):=(500*
> ((0.0075+log((x/15.5)+1))^0.2)*x((5.5^2)-(x^2))^0.5-((4.5^2)-(x^2))^0.5);
Is there a typo here? You have x((5.5^2)-(x^2))^0.5. Do you mean
> integrate(f(x), x, 0, 4.5);
> My Simpson-Algorithm in VBA and MuPad compute to 5203.13231...
integrate is for symbolic integrals. I don't think maxima knows how to
integrate that.
But if you want a numerical value, you can use romberg, or quad_qag (and