noninteractive and topoly together

The function to_poly_solve tries to be careful; try this (eq is your
equation) workaround:

 (%i3) to_poly(eq,[phi2])$
 (%i4) elim(first(%),[%g0,%g1])$

 (%i5) sol : solve(first(%),phi2);




(%i11) for si in sol do print([si,radcan(subst(si, eq))]);
  <radcan believes in the multi-valueness of sqrt, so all solutions are OK>

(%i12) for si in sol do print([si,ratsimp(subst(si, eq))]);
  <the 2nd and 3rd solutions are OK, the first doesn't verify>

So to_poly_solve finds two solutions; depending on some messy inequality,
there is a third solution.

Here's a simple example of how to_poly_solve tries to be careful; since
-1 + %i isn't in the range of the square root, the solution set of
sqrt(x)=-1 + %i
is empty:

 (%i2) to_poly_solve(sqrt(x)=-1 + %i,[x]);
 (%o2) []

 (%i3) to_poly_solve(sqrt(x)=1 + %i,[x]);
 (%o3) [[x=2*%i]]

I'd like to_poly_solve to remain careful (I wrote it by the way), but the
questions your example generates makes me wonder if I could improve the

If asksign always allowed a "I don't know" response (and the calling
knew what to do with the returned "I don't know" value), ...


-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>I've appended a Maxima script below, which (5.15.0 under SBCL 1.0.17)
>asks a whole bunch of questions (up to eight of them), then comes up
>with a set of solutions; I haven't explored every possible permutation
>of answers to the questions yet, but it looks like the same three
>solutions keep cropping up again and again.  Thinking it would be nice
>to automate keeping track of this, I added load(noninteractive); on
>the start of the script (either before or after loading
>topoly_solver).  All I got were two long conditional expressions
>capped off by "then to_poly_solve(%, phi2)", i.e. the solver wasn't
>actually run (beyond producing its first question).  Any ideas,
>Dan Hatton
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