Felix Homann <fexpop <at> onlinehome.de> writes:
> (%i1) load(rducon);
> Load failed for
> /usr/share/maxima/5.13.0/share/simplification/rducon.lisp
> -- an error. To debug this try debugmode(true);
Hello, I got a similar problem yesterday with
after upgrading my Debian Lenny. Maxima was (if I remmeber) not in the update,
but this command become broken. However, if I boot into old kernel, 2.6.24,
everything is O.K.
Anyway, I upgraded to recent Maxima and observed the folowing and the problem is
solve, bu tI observed teh following:
ssearch("a","b:); gives false in Maxima 5.13 and an error message in Maxima 5.15.
Is this behavior correct?
Another issue: Maxima with clisp and kernel 2.6.25 is slower than on 2.6.24 -
computing something in batch mode and compiling with LaTeX is about two or three
times longer. Before reporting this somewhere on Debian discussion list: does
anybody have the same observation?
Yours sincerely
Robert Marik