Linear display not correct?

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

    Robert> On 8/4/08, Raymond Toy (RT/EUS) <raymond.toy at> wrote:
    >> We shouldn't be printing out Lisp symbols for these things.

    Robert> Luckily ?%foo(...) parses correctly as ((%FOO) ...) so it's ugly but
    Robert> not entirely incorrect ...

    Robert> Is there an uninitialized special floating around here?

    Robert> Maxima 5.15.0cvs
    Robert> Using Lisp CLISP 2.38 (2006-01-24)

    Robert> (%i1) foo : bessel_j (n, 1);
    Robert> (%o1)                    bessel_j(n, 1)
    Robert> (%i2) grind (foo);
    Robert> ?%bessel_j(n,1)$
    Robert> (%o2)                         done
    Robert> (%i3) grind ('bessel_j (n, 1));
    Robert> 'bessel_j(n,1)$
    Robert> (%o3)                         done
    Robert> (%i4) grind (foo);
    Robert> 'bessel_j(n,1)$
    Robert> (%o4)                         done


I see that the symbol plists for $bessel_j and %bessel_j are different
between the beginning and end of your tests.  In fact,
grind('bessel_j(n,1)) causes the symbol plists to change.  The verb
and noun properties are added.  And just doing 'bessel_j(n,1) by
itself adds the noun and verb properties.  I guess the reader does

That seems to hint we need to add those properties from the beginning.
