Maxima 5.16.0 release


I have tagged a 5.16 release branch in CVS and generated tar.gz,
rpms, and srpm and posted them to the SF file manager.

5.16.0 is a preliminary release with KNOWN PROBLEMS,
in contrast to previous 5.x.0 releases, which also had
known problems, just not quite so obviously. I'm planning
to make a 5.16.1 release in a few days.


Unfinished stuff.

 * ECL integration in build system.
 * Imaxima build problems.
 * Lapack binary output location.

Known build problems.

 * ezunits.dem missing
 * plot2d "set term" problem (I have a patch for that)

Anyway please give it a try if you can. I'll welcome any help
to finish the unfinished stuff.

Robert Dodier