ugly weird expression to be passed to R??

Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 7/31/08, dlakelan <dlakelan at> wrote:
>> I have 800+ data points, so I calculated the probability density
>>  expression "p" from my expression for the cumulative distribution
>>  function, ...

> Well, yes, lbfgs calculates the gradient of the figure of merit
> if it is not supplied, but I think a symbolic summation should work,
> because apparently
> diff ('sum (foo (x, i), i, 1, n), x);
>  => 'sum('diff(foo(x, i), x, 1), i, 1, n)

Hi Robert. I tried using an 'lsum noun as the figure of merit and found 
that lbfgs returns the error:

Non-variable 2nd argument to diff:
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

  Error during processing of --eval option "(cl-user::run)":

   The value T is not of type LIST.

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