-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----
>I would go directly to your %kNN form. (Though I'd prefer %zNN as more
>mnemonic since Z often represents the integers as R represents the
>reals in %r1 etc.)
It's simple; I like that. For rtest files, I could have a way to reset
a counter, I suppose. Currently, I use gentemp to generate the %kNN
variables; I would have to change that.
For an arbitrary complex number, I choose %zNN; so solve(x = x,x) -->
x = %z0. Thus %kNN for the integers :(
>I assume your %kNN's are declared as integers.
Yes, the %kNN variables are automatically declared integers. I guess
this would work OK with reseting the counters; I'd have to think that
Thanks for the input.