>> > However I could not load(lapack) in maxima-ecl :
>> > (%i1) load(lapack);
>> > Load failed for /usr/share/maxima/5.16.1/share/lapack/load-lapack.lisp
>> We haven't changed the lapack build or load process. (Sorry, I was
>> working on other stuff.) I think you can work around this problem:
>> (1) run maxima as superuser and load(lapack) which will create
>> all the compiled files, which can then be loaded by ordinary users;
>> or (2) copy the lapack directory to a user-writable location (e.g. /tmp)
>> and load it from there. Sorry that this is still a problem.
> I know it. The problem is that even after those steps maxima-ecl can not load
> lapack for me. It is due to the absence some of definitions for ecl in
> lapack.system. I have tried the simple naive changes like adding lines like
> #+ecl "ecl". I does not help.
I did this to load lapack (maxima+ecl on os x):
in lapack.system
1) add #+ecl "ecl" to lapack-binary-pathname
2) add #+ecl :binary-extension #+ecl "fas" to every (mk:defsystem)
in ./maxima-local -l ecl
3) :lisp (load "lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp") (I don't know if this file
is installed somewhere, I loaded it from source directory)
4) load(lapack);
Quick tests show that lapack works.