maxima-bounces at schrieb am 08/28/2008 12:04:05 AM:
> On Wednesday 27 August 2008 18:00:50 Mario Rodriguez wrote:
> >> I started wondering how difficult it would be to implement
> >> theory rules (sum and product rule) to allow the calculation of
> >> probabilities of related logical propositions, Bayesian-style?
> > stochastic dependence
> > distributions
> > fuzzy logic
> It seems that only algebra of random variables, conditional
> probabilities, and
> related basic stuff was intended.
This is indeed what I meant, i.e. on input
X : B AND C;
P(A|X) : a;
P(B|C) : b;
Then ask for the value of P(AB|C) and get a*b in response.
> But I don't see an obvious way of
> translating these concepts into some useful Maxima structures. It's a
> of design, not a problem of implementation.
Thanks - it will save me some vain effort!
Perhaps you know some other software which supports this sort of algebra?
(The closest I can think of is Bayesian network software, but it is
non-symbolic and expects specification of factorized probability
distributions as input.)
Best regards,
Jan Ploski