make_random_state broken for Maxima installed with Ecl
Subject: make_random_state broken for Maxima installed with Ecl
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:56:01 -0400
Oliver Kullmann wrote:
> I have now the problem that I use make_random_state(0)
> at quite a few places.
> So it seems I need to assemble my own Maxima package:
> - the module "maxima" of the cvs repository is to be used?
> - once I see on "Index of /maxima/src"
> that the changes I'm looking for appeared, I have to
> download the module "maxima", go into the 5.16.3 package
> and replace all related entries there with the downloaded
> ones?
This is Lisp. You don't have to do that. For a quick fix, put the code
below into a file, say, rand-fix.lisp. Then, in maxima, do
:lisp (load "<path>/rand-fix.lisp")
Then you'll have the fixed version. You may want to compile the file to
make it run a little faster, like so:
:lisp (load (compile-file "<path>/rand-fix.lisp"))
You can put similar commands into maxima-init if you like.
(in-package :mt19937)
(defun int-init-random-state (&optional (seed 5489) state)
(declare (type (integer 0 #xffffffff) seed))
(let ((state (or state (make-array 627 :element-type '(unsigned-byte
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (627)) state))
(setf (aref state 0) 0)
(setf (aref state 1) #x9908b0df)
(setf (aref state 2) mt19937-n)
(setf (aref state 3) seed)
(do ((k 1 (1+ k)))
((>= k 624))
(declare (type (mod 625) k))
(let ((prev (aref state (+ 3 (1- k)))))
(setf (aref state (+ 3 k))
(logand (+ (* 1812433253 (logxor prev (ash prev -30)))