directory listing questions (in xmaxima)

On 8/30/08, Sheldon Newhouse <sen1 at> wrote:

>  If xmaxima is started from a terminal, then the output goes to the
>  terminal window.

I looked at this recently and if I remember correctly the problem is that
different Lisp implementations handle output from external processes
differently. For some Lisp varieties, the system function can tell the
external process to write its output into the socket which sends data
to the XMaxima user interface; I believe those include CMUCL, SBCL,
and maybe some others. However, some Lisps don't allow that,
including GCL, ECL, Clisp, and maybe others.

Probably there is some way to copy stuff from the external process
output stream into the XMaxima input if the Lisp implementaton doesn't
do it by itself. I haven't looked into it.

The underlying problem is that the Common Lisp spec doesn't say
much about how Lisp interacts with the outside world, so implementors
can and do make various decisions. This situation causes no small
amount of wasted time; oh well.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Robert Dodier