Imaxima and imath home page adds inline graph tutorial

On 8/30/08, John Lapeyre <pdl at> wrote:

> I wonder if someone knows how a user can define a
>  new rule for imaxima to output a piece of latex'd math.
>  I think this question is not too specific to imaxima.

texput establishes TeX output for variables and operators.

>  Specifically, if I have
>   v : matrix( [x,y] )
>  I would get the following processed and inserted into the imaxima
>  (or wxmaxima, or ...) buffer when I display v
>   $ x \lvert 0 \rangle + y \lvert 1 \rangle $

Hmm, that looks more complicated than what texput can do by itself.

>  and, of course, I would write a function to process more complicated
>  cases.

At present TeX-output functions have to be written in Lisp, and how
they're supposed to work is a little obscure. If you can tell us what
you want, maybe we can help you write such a function.

Incidentally Maxima's TeX output code is in maxima/src/mactex.lisp.
Looks like imaxima.lisp is adapted from a previous version.


Robert Dodier