Subject: green's functions, passing functions to a routine
From: John Lapeyre
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 21:35:58 -0700
I am trying to find convenient ways to deal with a
one dimensional Green's function problem. Here are some
questions that came up.
1) how can one pass functions as arguments to another function?
ygen(f,x,L) := integrate(f(t)*g2(x,t),t,0,x)
+ integrate(f(t)*g1(x,t),t,x,L);
this does not do what I am trying to do.
2) I want to integrate g1 and make a function h1 from the
result. Is there a good idiom? This seems to work ok.
h1(x,t) := ''(ratsimp(integrate(g1(x,t),t)));
3) Piecewise defined functions.
f(x) := if x > 3 then 0 else x;
integrate(f(x),[x,0,4]); /* FAILS */
fails to give a useful result.
Of course, eventually, one would like a more complicated
problem with 3 replaced by say, a.
I can supply other details of the problem if necessary.