Changing order of integration/summation

Hi all

I have a little problem that I want to calculate, involving changing the
order of an integral and a summation. I can work this out term-by-term
but it would be cool if I could do this automatically.

Here is a function 'cp0(tau)' that I have defined:

cp0(tau) := subst(%Tc/tau,T,sum(%a(i)*tau^i,i,0,n) + 

Now, I want to calculate the following:

-tau/R*integrate(1/tau^2*cp0(tau), tau) + 1/R*integrate(1/tau*cp0(tau),tau)

Problem is that when this evaluates, it keeps the integral signs, rather
than actually evaluating and expanding and simplifying.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong here with my declaration of nouns like
%a(i) that's stopping Maxima from realising that it can do the
integration. Can anyone tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong?
