
(%i1) ? pdf_continuous_uniform

 -- Function: pdf_continuous_uniform (<x>,<a>,<b>)
     Returns the value at <x> of the density function of a Continuous
     Uniform(a,b) random variable, with a<b. To make use of this
     function, write first `load(distrib)'.

(%o1)                               true
(%i2) load(distrib)$
(%i3) pdf_continuous_uniform  (0,-1,1);
(%o3)                 pdf_continuous_uniform(0, - 1, 1)

Looks like a bug.

It seems that the following line at the pdf_continuous_uniform definition 

 if member(sign(x-a), ['nz,'neg,'zero]) or member(sign(x-b), ['pos,'pz,'zero])

should be replaced by

 if member(sign(x-a), ['nz,'neg,'zero]) or member(sign(b-x), ['pos,'pz,'zero])

Prickle-Prickle, Bureaucracy 25, 3174 YOLD
Alexey Beshenov http://beshenov.ru/