segmentation fault with Maxima/ECL

Oliver Kullmann wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 02:45:22PM -0400, Raymond Toy wrote:

> Now the whole point of searching for another Lisp (other than CLisp) is that it seems
> not possible to reliably and automatically install CLisp on the (actually rather
> restricted) range of machines I'm using (from sources).
> (So if I had a Lisp version which I could (reliably and automatically) install,
> I wouldn't need SBCL.)

Of all the lisps I've used, clisp has been the easiest to install.

> Perhaps the CLisp version used to compile SBCL doesn't matter so much?

I do not know for sure, but I think the only Lisps that can reliably 
build SBCL are sbcl (of course!), cmucl, and openmcl/clozure.
