segmentation fault with Maxima/ECL

Hi, Ray.  Do they support an arbitrary number of arguments, or do they also
have some arbitrary lowish limit (e.g. 1023 or 64k arguments)?

Do we have any sense at all of what Lisps people are using (even based on a
biased sample like bug reports)?  On Windows, I would guess that GCL is
>>90% of the users, since it is what the prebuilt version uses....


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at>wrote:

> Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> > Which of our Lisp implementations support > 63 function arguments?  I
> > know GCL does not.  If the most important platforms do not support > 63
> I think all of them do.  I know clisp, cmucl, ecl, and sbcl do.
> Ray
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