Maxima/Ecl on 32-bit machine cannot evaluate "apply(union, listify({{..}}))"
Subject: Maxima/Ecl on 32-bit machine cannot evaluate "apply(union, listify({{..}}))"
From: Barton Willis
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 09:00:51 -0500
I haven't figured out the big-oh estimates, but I now mostly understand
why tree_reduce is fast for this problem:
calls to great
tree_reduce('union,create_list({i},i,1,10^3)) 27,364
xreduce('union,create_list({i},i,1,10^3)) 2,736,068
rreduce('append,create_list({i},i,1,10^3)) 4,932
For the last, notice that
(%i50) append(set(a,b), set(b,c));
(%o50) {a,b,c}