laplace w 1d display

On 9/3/08, Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec at> wrote:

> It is easier to fix the function msize-atom (in grind.lisp) to strip %
>  from the begining of symbols (just like it strips $):

I guess I'm not in favor of that. Printing ((%FOO) ...) as a noun
expression has side effects (property assignments) if it is read
back in.

>  This function also ignores the option variable lispdisp (it always
>  prepends ? to lisp symbols).

That is correct: 1-d output should be something that yields the
same expression when it is read back in.

> It also does some transformations to strings, which maybe it shouldn't:

Agreed, it should not put \ before $ and ; since those characters
are not special within strings. (It puts \ before \ and " and before an
embedded newline, which is correct.)


Robert Dodier