Huge speedup for union WAS: Maxima/Ecl on 32-bit machine cannot evaluate "apply(union, listify({{..}}))"

Using this patch (which Barton has now checked in):

:lisp (defun require-set (x context-string)  (cond (($setp x) (cdr x))(t
(merror "Function ~:M expects a set, instead found ~:M" context-string x))))

I retested Barton's test case qq: makelist({i},i,1,10000);
XXreduce('union,qq)$; recall that xreduce/apply doesn't work on GCL.

        lreduce rreduce tree_reduce
Before  176.40  155.40    0.25
After    25.81    3.89    0.03

Given the continued speed advantage of tree_reduce in many cases (though
I've only tested on GCL), I wonder if we should a) define xreduce as
assuming that the operation is associative, thus allowing it to use any
grouping it prefers; b) use tree_reduce by default when apply is not

By the way, there seems to be some problem with l/rreduce for long lists on
GCL -- I will write up a bug report.
