Subject: green's functions, passing functions to a routine
From: John Lapeyre
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 21:52:36 -0700
On Sunday 07 September 2008 09:08:22 pm Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 11:59 PM, John Lapeyre <pdl at> wrote:
> > ...the generic problem of having v = [a,b,c] and needing to call a
> > function that wants this: func(expr,a,b,c)
> >
> > lpart(m,v) := apply(part,cons(m,v));
> so that lpart(expr,[i,j]) is the same as part(expr,i,j)
> efficiency, you should *never* use part, and always use inpart (or set
> inflag:true). Otherwise, every single time you call part, it reformats the
> expression from the internal form
Remembering that you said that before, I vetted my code yesterday for
part and somehow missed it. In case of taking parts of a list, there
is certainly no difference between the representations
> By the way, when you *do* use functions in non-functional position, it is
> good practice to quote them so that they don't inadvertently use a variable
> binding that is lying around, e.g. apply('part,...) rather than
I noticed that the compiler takes unquoted functions to be global-varibles.
Thanks once more for the advice. I just quoted the functions names
and replaced part by inpart in all my code and it still passes all tests.