Thanks for the advice Robert!
> > Mma Maxima
> > -------------------
> > Riffle join
> > Join append
> > Append cons
> > Union (lists) union (sets)
I read in the archives that you thought some Mma
names are poorly chosen. I have no doubt thats true.
But for the names above ?
I have a collection of lists that I want to
"Join" together.
I have a collection of lists that I want to
"append" together.
I want to "Append" this element to this list.
I want to "endcons" this element to this list.
(I mistakenly wrote cons above)
I want to "Prepend" this element to this list.
I want to "cons" this element to this list.
I want to "Riffle" these lists together
I want to "join" these lists together. (yes its unfortunate)
"interleave" is better than either "Riffle" or "join".
But none of those names is going to change, so its "academic"!
I think choosing exactly the same names is advantageous for
two of my main goals. One is to make it as easy as possible
for a Mathematica user to begin dabbling and do somethig
useful with Maxima. If the function names are lower case, I
would still need a way to handle collisions like Append and
append, union and Union, etc. You need a set of rules
for how this is done.
The other is to make translating as easy as possible. I
could remember the translation rules or look them up,
translate a user function, see that the output is wrong, deduce
from the output which rule I got wrong, change it, see that
the output is finally right.
But, after I had crude versions of the functions, I was
able to shut my brain off and translate the following, and it
just worked.
mat2nten::usage = "mat2nten[mt,ddl] converts the (possibly
rectangular) matrix mt to an n-tensor using the double dimension list ddl,
with, e.g., {2,3,{4,5}} interpreted as {{2,2},{3,3},{4,5}}."
(*mat2nten:comment. Dimension list ddl is converted to ddm with every
entry a two-component list, e.g., ddl={2,{3,4}}->ddm={{2,2},{3,4}}.*)
If[ 0==Length[ ddm[[jm]] ] , ddm[[jm]]={ddl[[jm]],ddl[[jm]]} ]; ];
Fold[ Partition, fmt, Most[Reverse[Flatten[Transpose[ddm]]]] ]](*END
mat2nten(mt,ddl) := block( [ddm:ddl,fmt:flatten(mt),jm,lnd:length(ddl)],
for jm:1 thru lnd step 1 do
if (not listp(ddm[jm])) then ddm[jm] : [ddl[jm],ddl[jm] ],