Problems with the Gamma function

On 9/13/08, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at> wrote:

>                  (ignore-errors
>                    (* (sqrt (float (* 2 pi)))
>                       (+ ss (aref c 0))
>                       (exp (+ (- zgh) (* 2 lnzp)))))))
>             (cond ((null result)
>                    ;; No result. Overflow.
>                    (merror "Overflow in `gamma-lanczos'."))
>                   ((or (float-nan-p (realpart result))
>                        (float-inf-p (realpart result)))
>                    ;; Result, but beyond extreme values. Overflow.
>                    (merror "Overflow in `gamma-lanczos'."))
>                   (t result)))))))

Seems OK to me. I am assuming that REALPART is just
fetching something i.e. there is no computation which could
cause an error even if there were no error before that point.

Thanks for working on this,

Robert Dodier