
>>>     gnuplot> lc rgb  'red'
>>>              ^
>>>              "/home/bob/maxout.gnuplot", line 21: invalid command
>>> repeat
>>> (%o4) done
>>> Errors like the above repeat, the number tends to vary from execution to
>>> execution (perhaps due to the interface with texmacs?) and they are not
>>> all the same.
>>> gnuplot> 'red'
>>> gnuplot> b 'red'
>>> gnuplot> 1 lc rgb 'red'
>>> gnuplot> rgb 'red'
>>> are example of other first lines in the error message.
>> What are the versions of Gnuplot and Maxima?
> gnuplot 4.2.3-1
> maxima 5.16.2-1

Hello Robert,

Certainly, these two versions should be fully compatible, since the 
linecolor (lc) keyword was introduced in gnuplot 4.2

I can't reproduce this problem with either gnuplot 4.3 or 4.2 in  my 
ubuntu box.

If you continue having this problem, once you have files maxout.gnuplot 
and data.gnuplot in you personal folder, call gnuplot from terminal and type

load 'maxout.gnuplot'

to see if you get the same errors, in this case, please send both files 
to me and I'll take a closer look.

Sorry if this is not of much help, but that's all I can say for the moment.

Thanks for your reports.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto