More Mathematica functions in Maxima

Dear John,

2008/9/16 John Lapeyre <pdl at>

> On Monday 15 September 2008 04:18:45 am Andrey Siver wrote:
> > I had an idea to create something like free Mathematica basing on MAXIMA
> > system :).
> That looks like an interesting project. Can you give me an
> example of how to use the parser ?-- say to translate a line
> of Mma source into lisp.  I am inexperienced with lisp. I
> started an interactive lisp session and tried a few things
> like (load "mma"), and saw various errors.

Sorry that I did not give you the instructions earlier :).
As I see, Richard Fateman have given some of them already.
Anyway, you may:
1) enter to Maxima;
2) load the parser.lisp: load("/path/to/parser.lisp");
3) Change the path to 'test.txt' in math.lisp in the line:
>>>open "e:/siver/develop/mma1.6/test.txt"<<<
to your system path to Mma example file (test.txt).
4) load the math.lisp: load("/path/to/math.lisp");
math.lisp has a lisp function 'mtest' to perform the calculation.
5) Call 'mtest' function: :lisp(mtest);
6) And now you may see the results of calculations in the predefined
variables (see test.txt):
?a, ?b, ?f(x), ?c, ?g1(x,y), ?g2(x,y), ?r1(x)
(The sign "?" in the variable names is used to access to lisp symbols).
I attached an example screenshot.


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