Subject: Customizing Maxima. Renaming Maxima functions
From: Richard Hennessy
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:07:42 -0400
Dear List,
I would like to rename some Maxima commands somehow. By rename I literally mean rename, the old name won't work anymore
after it is done. e.g. I would like to change "integrate" to "rsum" for example. So rsum(x^2,x) will return 1/3*x^3
and rsum(x^2,x,0,1) will return 1/3 and also all error messages would be the same as if rsum were integrate. Can
someone help me? Also undoing this would be good to know too so I can change the name in a block and then change it
back at the end of the block for example.