[Ecls-list] segmentation fault with Maxima/ECL

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 12:38 AM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com> wrote:
> I suspect the problem is something like an undetected stack overflow.
> One of the functions is max_min_var_degree_def_rec which is a
> memoizing function (as shown by its definition
> max_min_var_degree_def_rec[k] := ... instead of with parentheses).
> max_min_var_degree_def_rec is a recursive function so for large k
> it puts a lot of frames on a call stack (not sure if it is the Lisp stack
> or a stack managed by Maxima or what).

Robert, I do not get anything like your backtrace. I ran that proram
within GDB using the latest ECL and the C stack simply overflows. The
GDB backgrace is 6065 calls deep! The problem is that there is no
portable way of detecting a stack overflow so my question is ...

> (2) I hope someone from the ECL team can look at this problem.

...what are we expected to do?


Instituto de F?sica Fundamental, CSIC
c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28009 (Spain)