Implementation of the Incomplete Gamma function committed

On 9/27/08, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at> wrote:

>  But another work I have started is to write the missing User documentation. This
>  is more difficult for a German writer than to write Lisp code.

Hi Dieter. About the user documentation, my advice to you is to write
in the language most comfortable for you, and if that is German, we will
find someone to translate it. It's much easier to find a translator than to
write the original. If you do choose to write in English, don't worry about
getting the grammar exactly correct or anything like that. Someone will
probably polish the text, and failing that, it's OK by me for the documentation
to have a detectable accent. That's part of the fun of a world-wide project.

>  Another work I am thinking about is to write a more technically documentation
>  which tells more about the implemented algorithm and their restrictions.

My recommendation on this point is to just write extensive comments
in the source code (as opposed to making a separate document).


Robert Dodier