
On Friday 03 October 2008 21:47 you wrote:

> Thanks for reply.
> But when I do apt-get install for maxima (etc.) I get an earlier
> version... ((5.13)  than I have installed currently ( v. 5.16.3,
> though presently, I have an earlier version of wxmaxima (0.7.1)
> from the 'add/remove' program, I'm inquiring about installing v.
> 0.7.6, & for this I need wxWidgets).
> If there really is another way to go... this would be nice to know.

I'm sorry, it seems that I've skipped your first message.

The straightforward way is to build everything from the sources, i.e.

  $ ./confugure
  $ make
  $ make check
  $ sudo make install

or something like that.

If ./configure fails, then you should check its output for missing 
libraries and install them (make sure you have libfoobar-dev).

As for /etc/apt/sources.list, you just need to become superuser,
use something like

  $ sudo vim  /etc/apt/sources.list

Sweetmorn, Bureaucracy 57, 3174 YOLD
Alexey Beshenov http://beshenov.ru/